Practically everything diseases hearts early or late lead to systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle . The main reasons are given below at order decreasing frequency .
Ischemic disease of the heart : recurrent myocardial infarction , commonly infarction , multivessel lesion .
Hypertensive heart : LVH decompensation .
Valve pathology : mitral or aortic insufficiency ( volume overload ).
Primary myocardial damage : dilated ILC or acute myocarditis .
Congenital malformations of the heart : reset the left to right ( defect IVS ).
The clinical significance of left ventricular systolic dysfunction
Systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle at any zabole Vania heart is an independent negative prognostic factor .
Have Patients with ischemic disease of the heart with systolic cal dysfunction of the left ventricle is less than the survival rate after operations revascularization ( coronary artery shunt vanie ). The development of systolic dysfunction in a patient with LVH on background of arterial hypertension characterized by transition to phase decompensation hypertensive heart . Volumetric overload of the LV due to valve insufficiency or intracardiac discharge from left to right will inevitably lead to systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle . AT addition to prognostic information , devel term systolic dysfunction plays a key role at determining the tactics of managing patients with heart defects . LV systolic dysfunction is one of major diagnostic criteria for dilated CMP . Serial echocardiographic examinations allow not just trace the natural flow disease , but and define efficiency Spend my therapy . Minor violations of systolic function , imperceptible at alone , it can be identified at
research at load . On the background of adequate medical management of heart failure is also can observed only minor violations of systolic function .
One of The causes of LV systolic dysfunction are myocarditis — inflammation of the myocardium viral ( Coxsackie type B virus ), bacterial ( mycoplasma ) or parasitic ( Lyme disease ) nature .
Echocardiographic signs of myocarditis are similar. with picture dilated ILC , consisting By combining of systolic and diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle , as well as insufficiency of the valvular apparatus . Occasionally can determined by the violation of local contractility due to focal nature of inflammation . By differential differential signs of myocarditis include the presence of febrile fever at recent past as well as sinus tachycardia at rest at combined with Inversion her teeth T on ECG . Rapid improvement in LV function and reduction of mitral insufficiency by according to serial echocardiographic studies allows you to lean at favor the diagnosis of myocarditis , and not dilated KMP .