Branches of the internal carotid artery

1. Rr. caroticotympanici penetrating the tympanic cavity.
2. A. ophthalmica, the ophthalmic artery, penetrates through the canalis opticus into the cavity of the orbit along with n. opticus, where it splits into its final branches. On the way to the eye socket gives a number of branches.

Branches a. ophthalmica:
1) to the dura mater of the brain, anastomosing with a. meningea media (branch a. maxilaris from system a. carotis externa);
2) to the lacrimal gland a. lacrimalis;
3) to the eyeball aa. ciliares, ending in the choroid; among them a. centralis retinae, penetrates into the optic nerve and, with it, forks into the retina;
4) to the muscles of the eyeball;
5) to the aa centuries. palpebralis laterales et mediales;
6) to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity aa. ethmoidales anterior et posterior;
7) a. supraorbitalis emerges from the orbit through incisura supraorbitalis;
8) a. dorsalis nasi descends along the edge of the back of the nose.

3. A cerebri anterior, the smaller cerebral artery, moves forward and medially to the beginning of the longitudinal groove of the brain, bends around the corpus calorus and stretches back along the inner surface of the brain hemisphere to the beginning of the occipital lobe, giving it back to the cortex. At the beginning of the longitudinal groove of the brain connects with the same side artery of the other side with the help of the transverse stem, a. communicans anterior.

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