The position of the heart. Types of position of the heart. The size of the heart.

The position of the heart. Types of position of the heart. The size of the heart.

The shape and position of the heart depend on the physique, sex, age, various physiological conditions and other factors.

1. Oblique (most common) position of the heart. The cardiovascular shadow has a triangular shape, the “waist” of the heart is weakly expressed. The angle of inclination of the long axis of the heart is 43 – 48 °.
2. The horizontal position of the heart. The silhouette of the cardiovascular shadow occupies an almost horizontal (recumbent) position; tilt angle is 35 – 42 °; “Waist” is pronounced. The length of the heart is reduced, the diameter is enlarged.
3. The vertical position of the heart .. The silhouette of the cardiovascular shadow occupies an almost vertical (standing) position; tilt angle is 49 – 56 °; “Waist” smoothed. The length of the heart is enlarged, the diameter is reduced.

In people of the brachimorphic type with a wide and short rib cage, with a high standing of the diaphragm, the heart as if rises by the diaphragm and lies on it, assuming a horizontal position. In people of the dolichomorphic type with a narrow and long rib cage, with a low standing of the diaphragm, the heart descends, as if drawn out, and takes on a vertical position. In people intermediate between the two extreme body type oblique position of the heart is observed. Thus, the shape and position of the heart can be judged to a certain degree by the nature of the build and the shape of the chest.

Sex differences are that women are more likely to have a horizontal position of the heart than men. The size of the heart depends on gender, age, body weight and height, chest structure, working and living conditions. An increase in the absolute size of the heart as a whole goes along with an increase in height and body weight. A large influence on the size of the heart has the development of muscles. This explains the fact that with the same height and body weight in women, the heart is smaller than in men.

The effect of physical work on the size of the heart is especially evident in the X-ray examination of athletes in whom physical stress is prolonged.

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