Paired visceral branches: renal artery (a. Renalis), middle adrenal artery

1. A. suprarenalis media, the middle adrenal artery, starts from the aorta near the beginning of a. mesenterica superior and goes to gl. suprarenalis.

2. A. renalis, the renal artery, departs from the aorta at the level of the II lumbar vertebra almost at a right angle and goes in the transverse direction to the gate of the corresponding kidney. The caliber of the renal artery is almost equal to the superior mesenteric, which is explained by the urinary function of the kidney, which requires a large flow of blood. The renal artery sometimes departs from the aorta with two or three trunks and often enters the kidney with multiple trunks not only in the portal area, but throughout the medial edge, which is important to consider when pretreatment of the arteries during a kidney removal operation. At the gate of the kidney a. renalis is usually divided into three branches, which in turn in the renal sinus, in turn, fall into numerous branches (see. “Kidney”).

The right renal artery lies behind v. cava inferior, pancreatic head and pars descendens duodeni, left – behind pancreas. V. renalis is located in front and slightly below the artery. From a. renalis moving upward to the lower part of the adrenal gland a. suprarenalis inferior, as well as a sprig to the ureter.

3. A. testucularis (in women a. Ovarica) is a thin long stem, which starts from the aorta immediately below the beginning of a. renalis, sometimes from this last. Such a high discharge of the artery that feeds the testicle is determined by laying it in the lumbar region, where a. testicularis occurs at the shortest distance from the aorta. Later, when the testicle descends into the scrotum, a is also extended along with it. testicularis, which, at the time of birth, descends along the front surface of m. psoas major, gives a branch to the ureter, goes to the inner ring of the inguinal canal and, together with the ductus deferens, reaches the testicle, which is why it is called a. testicularis. In a woman, the corresponding artery, a. ovarica, in the inguinal canal is not sent, and goes into the small pelvis and then in the lig. suspensorium ovarii to the ovary.

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