Anterior tibial artery

The branches of the anterior tibial artery. A. tibialis anterior, the anterior tibial artery, is one of two terminal branches of the popliteal artery (smaller in caliber). Immediately after the onset, it pierces the deep muscles of the flexor surface of the tibia and through the hole in the interosseous membrane goes into the anterior region of the tibia, passes between m. tibialis anterior and m. extensor digitorum longus, and below lies between m. tibialis anterior and m. extensor hallucis longus. Above the ankle joint, it passes superficially, covered with skin and fascia; its continuation on the back of the foot is called a. dorsalis pedis.

The branches of the anterior tibial artery, a. tibialis anterior:
1. A. recurrens tibialis posterior, posterior recurrent tibial artery (up to the opening), to the knee joint and to the joint between the fibula and painful tibial bones.
2. A. recurrens tibialis anterior, the anterior recurrent tibial artery (after the opening), goes to the lateral edge of the patella, participating in the formation of the rete articulare genus.
3. Ah. malleolares anteriores medialis et lateralis, anterior ankle arteries, lateral and medial, are involved in the formation of rete malleolare mediale et laterale.

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